domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014


I really appreciate this class because I have learnt extraordinary things that we can create thanks to  technology.

On wednesday, October 23rd, every students showed a presentation about a homework that the teacher told us we did, this homework was that everyone of us created an incredible "JEOPARDY". I learnt what is a jeopardy, how to do it, what type of content it can has, etc.

A Jeopardy is a game created in Power Point that has some categories such as Sports, Animals, Music, Countries and Movies but it can includes other ones and each one has four or five questions according to the category and a amount of money allocated in each question from the category.
The question is more  difficult if the amount is more. On the other hand the question is easier if the amount is less.

Then the teacher collected all jeopardys and he was checking them one by one. He formed 2 teams, I belonged to team 2, and after that the Game started!!!......

That day the class was very funny and interactive, too. At the end we won the game!!!

Now it is important that we ask ourselves, what was the objective about creating and playing jeopardy?

Well, in this game we learnt as things as we thought, for example:

  • Personally I discovered new features and uses in Power Point.
  • Obviously, as jeopardy was created in english we learnt new and several words, it was great for me.
  • Also as in the future we'll be English teachers, this type of activities are really important to make a more interactive and less bored class, that's true. it's an excellent way for teaching-learning.

On thursday, september 25th, we kept on showing and playing the other jeopardys that there weren't shown in last class.....

Finally on friday, september 26th, our teacher taught us to apply strategies to give a class specially in english during a presentation in Power Point!!!!.... it was awesome!!!! I really liked that class, so he told us our homework : create a presentation in power point using or applying the strategies to give a valuable class!!!!

sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014





Nicenet's Internet Classroom Assistant (ICA) allows virtually any classroom, even those with modest resources, access to powerful tools. Everything in Nicenet is offered free for public use, and Nicenet makes no profits from your participation.
Nicenet was created in 1995 with the aim of providing useful tools for distance learning and collaborative learning. This system provides a simple way to create courses on the Internet without the need to know about HTML (the language used to create Web pages). It offers a number of components that the teacher and students can use to expand their knowledge, discuss issues concerning the course and submit documents online. It is an ideal tool for teacher who has many technological skills but interested to begin integrating technology into their classrooms. It has remained ad-free and free of cost from the beginning.

With Nicenet you can send and receive emails to students; create discussion forums, create a directory of links organized by categories; receive assignments online and publish important events and activities of the course. You can also publish documents and notes on the various topics of the class.
Free web-based learning environment for classrooms, distance learning programs and collaborative academic projects.
Nicenet is pleased to announce the public availability of the new Internet Classroom Assistant (ICA2), a sophisticated communication tool that brings powerful World-Wide-Web based conferencing, personal messaging, document sharing, scheduling and link/resource sharing to a variety of learning environments. The ICA2 incorporates many new features and responds to requests we have received from our users. Nicenet provides the ICA free of charge with no advertising.
The ICA is designed for post-secondary and secondary classrooms, distance learning and collaborative academic projects, though anyone who finds it useful is free and welcome to use it. The ICA runs on Nicenet's server and requires any web browser running on any platform and an Internet connection - there is no software to download and no server to configure. The ICA was intentionally designed as a low graphics environment to decrease the load time of each page. The queries used to fill the site with class-specific data take less than a second. A fully dynamic site, the ICA is customized at two different levels: 1.) the user and 2.) the class. Anyone can set up a class in minutes and allow others to join. After login, users are presented with a "heads-up" display of class resources.
The features include:
  • Conferencing: Create your own private, threaded conferencing on topics you make for the class or opt to allow students to create their own topics.  
  • Scheduling: Put the class schedule on-line. With a seven day advance view on your class homepage, students will have a heads-up display of upcoming assignments and class events.
  • Document sharing: Students and professors have the ability to publish their documents on the site using simple web-based forms. No knowledge of HTML is needed. Automatically integrated with scheduling, students are one click away from turning in their assignments on-line, giving their peers feedback on published papers and receiving professors comments.
  • Personal Messaging: Similar to traditional email but fully integrated with document sharing and conferencing, personal messaging is a great way communicate with and between individuals in your class, comment privately on conferencing postings or give private feedback on published papers.
  • Link Sharing: Share links to pertinent Internet resources sorted by topics that you create.
All features of the site are fully integrated - a user reading the class schedule is one click away from turning in an assignment on-line. While reading a document, a user can simply and easily send the author comments and feedback. Conferencing topics can be created for new schedule items and documents automatically.
For professors and teachers who are uncomfortable with allowing students the ability to add any link they want to the system or create a conferencing topic at their own discretion, Nicenet has included preferences that allow these abilities to be turned on and off at the professor's or teacher's discretion.
Setting up a class on the Internet Classroom Assistant takes about 2 minutes. You will be asked to choose a username and password, then a name for your class, some contact information, and that's it. You will be assigned a unique 'key' for your class that you can give to your students so they can create user accounts and access your class. You can set up your class right now by following the link from our home page (
If you would like to learn more write to If you have heard enough and want to give it a try you can set up your class right now.
Money will not be solicited for using the system and advertisements will not be forced upon users - now and forever. The ICA is powered by Allaire's (Cambridge, MA) Cold-Fusion.
Organization Profile
Founded in 1995, Nicenet is an organization of Internet professionals who donate their time to provide services for the Internet community. One of Nicenet's primary goals is bringing communication tools and resources previously available only to those with large sums of money or substantial technical expertise to the education community.

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Information and Communication Technologies(ICTs) and its usage in English teaching-learning. (My own reflection!)

New technologies can be used in the educational system in three different ways: as an object of learning, as a means to learn and to support learning.

  •   In the current state of affairs is normal to consider new technologies as learning object itself. It allows students to become familiar with the computer and acquire the necessary skills to make the same a useful tool throughout the studies in the world of work or further training as adults

  •   Considered technologies are used as a means of learning when it is a tool in the service of distance education, non-attendance and self-study or are repetition exercises, online courses throughout  Internet, videoconferencing, cederoms, programs or simulation exercises, etc. This procedure is part of the traditional teaching to supplement or enrich the content presented. 

  •   But where new technologies find their true place in teaching is to support learning. The technologies have been well understood pedagogically integrated into the learning process, have their place in the classroom, responding to needs more proactive training and are employed on a daily basis. The pedagogical integration of technology differs from training in technologies and is part of a lifelong learning perspective and personal and professional development as a "knowing how to learn ''

Well, I consider ICTs as an effective and efficient educational tool because it makes possible the development of  English teaching-learning.

 At the present time the computer is very useful and Internet is more than that because without it we couldn't look for absolutely anything and also we couldn't find out new things for our acknowledgement that's the why we appreciate this tool.

We can do as many things as possible either to teach and learn English such as:

  • Research by internet the English Grammar
  • Take English Classes online( If we cannot stay at a classroom taking classes).
  • Watch educational videos that can be useful for speak in English like one skill of this language.
  • Listen to music or recordings that help us to understand more this language.
  • Search dynamics or educational games like : "rock paper scissors" or "jeopardy".

Perhaps some of us ask ourselves : How can these dynamics or games be applied to the English teaching or learning?

Undoubtedly thanks to these tools we can learn a lot of vocabulary and so many words that we can imagine, also the use of these techniques make faster Development of speaking and listening skills in ENGLISH by fostering a suitable environment in the educational context.

That's the reason which we must apply these teaching methods and so to have a more interesting class, less bored, and more interactive of course. This give us the opportunity to involve us in the marvelous English World.

Here you are some videos :

...And visit this page clickhere

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

¿Qué son las TIC's?

¿Qué son las TIC?

Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) son todas aquellas herramientas y programas que tratan, administran, transmiten y comparten la información mediante soportes tecnológicos. La informática, Internet y las telecomunicaciones son las TIC más extendidas, aunque su crecimiento y evolución están haciendo que cada vez surjan cada vez más modelos.
En los últimos años, las TIC han tomado un papel importantísimo en nuestra sociedad y se utilizan en multitud de actividades. Las TIC forman ya parte de la mayoría de sectores: educación, robótica, Administración pública, empleo y empresas, salud…

¿Para que sirven las TIC?

Fácil acceso a la información en cualquier formato y de manera fácil y rápida.
1. Inmaterialidad. La digitalización nos permite disponer de información inmaterial, para almacenar grandes cantidades en pequeños soportes o acceder a información ubicada en dispositivos lejanos.
2. Instantaneidad. Podemos conseguir información y comunicarnos instantáneamente a pesar de encontrarnos a kilómetros de la fuente original.
3. Interactividad. Las nuevas TIC se caracterizan por permitir la comunicación bidireccional, entre personas o grupos sin importar donde se encuentren. Esta comunicación se realiza a través de páginas web, correo electrónico, foros, mensajería instantánea, videoconferencias, blogs o wikis entre otros sistemas.
4. Automatización de tareas. Las TIC han facilitado muchos aspectos de la vida de las personas gracias a esta característica. Con la automatización de tareas podemos, por ejemplo, programar actividades que realizaran automáticamente los ordenadores con total seguridad y efectividad. Existen interesantes cursos de TIC, desde enfados a profesores como a público en general. Incluso hay programas más especializados como los masters en TIC.

¿Qué tipos de TIC existen?

Podemos hacer una clasificación general de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación en redes, terminales y servicios que ofrecen.
1. Redes: la telefonía fija, la banda ancha, la telefonía móvil, las redes de televisión o las redes en el hogar son algunas de las redes de TIC.
2. Terminales: existen varios dispositivos o terminales que forman parte de las TIC. Estos son el ordenador, el navegador de Internet, los sistemas operativos para ordenadores, los teléfonos móviles, los televisores, los reproductores portátiles de audio y video o las consolas de juego.
3. Servicios en las TIC: las TIC ofrecen varios servicios a los consumidores. Los más importantes son el correo electrónico, la búsqueda de información, la banca online, el audio y música, la televisión y el cine, el comercio electrónico, e-administración y e-gobierno, la e-sanidad, la educación, los videojuegos y los servicios móviles. En los últimos años han aparecido más servicios como los Peer to Peer (P2P), los blogs o las comunidades virtuales.
Dentro de las TIC´S tenemos la oportunidad de crear un BLOG, pero en realidad no todos tienen la idea concreta de lo que es este sitio web, es por eso que aqui les tengo una definición clara :
Un blog, (en español también una bitácora) es un lugar web donde se recogen textos o artículos de uno o diversos autores ordenados de más moderno a más antiguo, y escrito en un estilo personal e informal. Es como un diario, aunque muchas veces especializado, dedicado a viajes o cocina, por ejemplo. El autor puede dejar publicado lo que crea conveniente.